An American Artifact Is Home
The story of this locomotive is so amazing! The highlights: she ran for decades on her home railroad before moving to Hollywood and becoming a star. Then she retired to the desert. End of story? No! The “Reno” is back in Nevada, poised to start a second movie career, and we need your help.

It would be so nice if the building pictured above were real, but alas, it’s just a dream at this point. Our main goal right now is to make that building a reality and get the V&T “Reno” steam locomotive out of the elements. The great thing is this historic locomotive is now back home in Nevada! Please read on to learn how to help us build on that accomplishment.
There are options to support the preservation of the famous 1872 “Reno” locomotive by direct donation.
What is the Reno?
The V&T “Reno” steam locomotive has quite an amazing story! One of the early V&T locomotives from 1872, it led the Lightning Express passenger service to Virginia City, Nevada. In 1938 it pulled a famous June 5 railfan tour, one of the last such tours to Virginia City. One teenager on that train was young Robert C. Gray. Later in life, Robert was inspired to rebuild the V&T Railroad decades after they ripped up the tracks to Virginia City.

The “Reno” left the V&T and went on to a movie and TV career before she was re-located to Old Tuscon Studios. After a disastrous fire and cosmetic restoration, the “Reno” sat in the desert until 2021 when the V&T Railroad bought the historic steam locomotive.
Now, after being lost in the Sonoran desert for decades, the “Reno” is finally home at the V&T Railroad in Virginia City, Nevada. The nation’s most famous short line railroad is now looking to preserve the locomotive and get it back in the movies! Here’s a rendering of what it could look like with your assistance:

What are we doing with the money we raise? All Patreon and direct donation proceeds go toward the current project: building a shelter for V&T #11 “Reno” steam locomotive! We want to get her out of the elements. There’s other work going on, but this is priority #1.
You can make a direct donation here:
Support the Reno
Thanks for visting! We’re glad you’re here, and we’d like to ask for your support. As you can see above, you can help our project to preserve the famous V&T #11 Reno steam locomotive.
If you have questions, please feel free to use our contact form or email jim at with any questions or suggestions.
We post our updates on Youtube.
When you’re in Virginia City, Nevada, see the Reno! Visit the V&T Railroad for more information about the V&T Railroad.

See the V&T “Official Fan Page” Channel on YouTube