This post originally appeared on Patreon at
Hello Patrons, we kept this post Patron-only to get your questions first, then we made this public two weeks later (give or take).
So far we’ve been able to give you some views of the Reno preservation project. We’ll have more video after the 4th of July weekend to share with our Patrons, stay tuned!
Here’s a statement from Stephen Drew, who retired as the Chief Curator of the California State Railroad Museum in Old Sacramento. He has written many books on V&T History:
“Restoration would be the painstaking return of the locomotive to one of its historical appearances…either “as-built” or to one of its historical in-service appearances circa 1872-1945.
The V&TRR is preserving the “Reno” as an icon of the historic V&T, continuing its role as a Hollywood veteran and America’s most-famous star of the silver screen and television productions for the past 75+ years. The V&T seeks to stabilize the 150 year old engine and … to successfully return it to an operable condition.”
We really appreciate your being Patrons, we’ll keep the content coming. Let us know if there’s any questions in the comments below.