We’ll have the video available publicly soon, they go public on YouTube and get posted here when they have been on Patreon for a month. VIP Patreon members get immediate access, while Offical members wait 10-14 days, then the video comes here and goes public on YouTube.
You can see the original post on Patreon at https://www.patreon.com/posts/kyle-wyatt-and-v-70066980
We love this interview! There’s really a lot of great information packed in here, we’ll let Kyle Wyatt tell the story. So many thanks to him for doing this!
His is the 20-year retired Curator of History and Technology for the California State Railroad Museum, and previously worked at Curator of History at the Nevada State Railroad Museum.
He basically covers railroad history, metallurgy, and various V&T locomotives. Enjoy!
One note, we’ve just given you a lot of content recently, it might be a little dry coming up the next couple weeks. We’re getting updates from Tom and will process them ASAP.
And a reminder that roughly August 17 we’ll be doing a live stream, it will be for VIP Patrons at the $25 level. I would expect it at 7pm Pacific Time but no promises.