Hi all and thanks for your patience with us. It’s been a very busy time at the V&T with working on #100 and keeping two steam locomotives (and some diesels) running. I have to be honest, there is content coming but Tom is having technical difficulties uploading it.
We also have Camdyn on board now to get us content, but alas that has been slow in coming. I have a few photos and a short video from him. I was making it into a video and Premiere crashed on me, I haven’t gotten back to it. I posted the photos above.
For me, I’m in the last semester of an MS-CS degree and this is really a hard class! It’s a Graduate Algorithms course, so it’s more like a math course. I have 20 days to prep for the last exam in the class, if I do well enough, I’ll be done with the course by Thanksgiving. Between this and my other job, it’s been a very busy time for me.
But the real rub is content. We haven’t been delivering. Because of this, if you want a refund of your October payment, I would fully understand and I would make that refund for you.
I am hoping I might possibly make a trip out to the V&T for the Train O’Lights and Candy Cane Express this year. A few things have to line up, financially and job-wise, for that to work out. We’ll see. But if you’re putting up your money here for Reno content, I don’t know how soon Tom will get started on her.
In addition to offering October refunds, we’re not billing in November. We’ll make a decision about December when we get there. Sorry to not deliver the best of news, I wish I could say they were going full bore on the Reno, but they’re not.