Thanks Taylor and Colin and Everyone Who Helped With The Reno!

We just wanted to tease a short video showing one of our Patrons, Colin, contributing even more by helping to polish the Reno at the Great Western Steam Up!

Also a special thanks to VIP Patron Taylor McCready, who worked tirelessly for four days helping to shine and promote the Reno. Taylor and his crew put in so many hours of hard work on the Reno during the Steam Up.

Whenever I was stumped on a guest question, I could always turn to Taylor, thanks! 

Taylor and his arsenal of paint stripping chemicals really did wonders this weekend. There was paint on the drivers and much of the brass, the volunteers removed the paint to expose the real Reno underneath. We can’t thank them enough!

Anyway, I’m on the road another week or so, when I get back home I’ll be editing and posting some GREAT behind the scenes video interviews with Tom Gray and Kyle Wyatt.

There was a discovery that some of the jacket on the boiler might be the original Russia Iron. Mr. Wyatt was gracious and let me mic him up for an interview that will demystify Russia Iron for you.

Thanks for your support! We’ll be posting again next week.

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