We’ll have the video available publicly soon, they go public on YouTube and get posted here when they have been on Patreon for a month. VIP Patreon members get immediate access, while Offical members wait 10-14 days, then the video comes here and goes public on YouTube.
You can see the original post on Patreon at https://www.patreon.com/posts/v-t-11-reno-to-69915377
This video shows Tom Gray, here’s what he wrote about what he’s doing:
“That is the tender frame side sill / front sill interior corner connector. The nut we are removing holds the stud mount end of the hook that holds safety chains attached to the four wheel tender truck, designed in case of a derailment the trucks don’t just go barreling down the tracks by themselves.
“The technique we are using, heating the nut to cherry red, makes the nut expand and loosens the rust and bonds freezing everything tight and allows us to remove the nut from the stud without destroying it, so we can reuse it. It is nick named the hot wrench technique. ”
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